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Thomas J. Kane

Once Trust Is Broken, It Cannot Be Repaired

Once Trust Is Broken, It Cannot Be Repaired

One of my best mentors, a former owner of a large fortune 500 company, said, “Once the trust is broken, it cannot be repaired.” He was referring to business deals, but it also applies to relationships. He said, “The second you have a doubt, get clarification, and if you can’t communicate well enough to gain clarification, get out and don’t go back.” –And he was right.

“You can repair a broken mirror, but you will always be able to see the crack in that m***** f*****.”

The second you decide to start lying and hiding the truth, omitting details you know would be pertinent to the other party, the second your arrangement begins to fail and the likelihood of a long term positive outcome rapidly diminishes.

Sometimes being honest requires going through a temporary discomfort, but always has a long term benefit. Being dishonest grants a temporary self serving comfort, but comes at the cost of long term suffering, not just for you but for the other party as well.

The truth, ALWAYS comes out in the end. The longer you sit on it, the worse the outcome will become.

You cannot have a healthy relationship, business or personal, if you are not being transparent and honest with each other.

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