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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Web Design For A Home Styling Designer
Web Design

Web Design For A Home Styling Designer

Simple website I almost finished for a home styling designer.…
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Web Design For An Accounting Business
Web Design

Web Design For An Accounting Business

A website I did for an accounting business owned by Shalie Byers, one of the best my company has done.…
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Best Electropolishing Company

Best Electropolishing Company

In 2015, We got Celco Inc. listed in the #1 position worldwide for “the best electropolishing company” in Google and Bing. Pretty nerdy I know, but I was pretty excited about it.…
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Best SEO Company In The World

Best SEO Company In The World

Almost #1 for the best SEO company in the world back in 2015. My company…
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Proper Snuggling Research
Funny Research

Proper Snuggling Research

Time for me to be a super nerd right now… so I was researching keywords for a proper snuggling guide website I am trying to build… and made this chart which no one might actually understand.…
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Stepping Out Of The Box Of Gossiping
Advice Self Improvement

Stepping Out Of The Box Of Gossiping

In 2005 when I stepped out of the box of gossiping and looked back on it, it was like looking back on a cesspool of ickiness. Instead of swimming in it, I started to learn from it from an observational standpoint. “Remember, if someone is gossiping with you, there is…
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