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Thomas J. Kane

Being In Top Shape Is A Continuous Work In Progress

Being In Top Shape Is A Continuous Work In Progress

I grew up as a runt, weighing like 110-120 lbs. (52 kilos) until I was about 27 years old and hired an amazing personal bodybuilding/sculpting trainer in Tampa ( for almost 2 years. Went from 110 to 150 lbs. Now I have been working out for 13 years and my weight at 10% body fat is about 170 lbs., In Dec 2020, I weighed 210 at 28% body fat. So my New Years resolution was to post a new pic below on the timeline of myself at 170lbs at 10% body fat.

Some people are born with muscular genetics that make it easier for them to gain, and have good mentors. My father was as little as me, and I had no mentors growing up; so gaining over the years has been a brutal uphill climb, but soo worth it ? Like with all things.

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