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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Expectation Vs. Reality
Advice Self Improvement

Expectation Vs. Reality

One of the wisest people I ever met told me this: if you do not lower your expectations of people, you will be disappointed for the rest of your life. True. Sometimes we expect too much of people, and the fact is we expected too much of them in the…
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How To Be Happy Despite Adversity
Advice Self Improvement

How To Be Happy Despite Adversity

I used to say, “If I was in hell on fire, I would still be able to find a reason to laugh and smile.” The smartest animals on earth also happen to be the most playful. I think one of the greatest things you can discover in this life is…
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Taking Comfort In Being Alone
Advice Self Improvement

Taking Comfort In Being Alone

Spending time alone and getting to the point where you don’t feel alone when you are alone. The power of being alone without feeling loneliness is incredible. If you are sad because you feel alone, then that means you have never spent enough time by yourself to truly get to…
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The Biggest Roadblocks Keeping You From Your Goals
Advice Motivation

The Biggest Roadblocks Keeping You From Your Goals

The things people have never done because they were afraid. Never get in shape because you are afraid of what other people might think of you in the gym, or in a yoga studio. Never invest money because you are afraid to lose it. Never start and finish an idea…
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Take Control of Your Life
Advice Motivation

Take Control of Your Life

Whether consciously or unconsciously, we tend to blame outside circumstances for our troubles, trials, and discomforts instead of taking personal responsibility. For example, a wife that thinks her husband is too “controlling”, the truth is, no one can control you but you. You “allow” others to control you through your…
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When People Start To Feed Negative Thoughts

When People Start To Feed Negative Thoughts

People are inclined to fill in the gaps of a story with negativity when they don’t have the full picture or know all the facts, and they end up with a distorted version of the truth. The seed of doubt begins to grow into a tree of fear, and the…
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