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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Taking Personal Responsibility For Our Own Well Being
Advice Self Improvement

Taking Personal Responsibility For Our Own Well Being

If someone makes you happy, make them happier. If someone makes you miserable… walk away. Kidding aside, no one can make you miserable. You CHOOSE to be miserable. If you are in a relationship and you feel like it’s sucking the life out of you, you need to replace “this…
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If A Conversation Is Hard, It's Probably The One Worth Having
Advice Self Improvement

A Conversation Worth Having

One of the biggest determining factors for success in life is also the ability to have difficult conversations you know you need to have. Avoiding a difficult conversation just because you are afraid of being uncomfortable with the outcome is cowardly. Nothing good ever comes from a decision made from…
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Is This Relationship Worth My Time?

Is This Relationship Worth My Time?

Someone who really likes you will want to lift you up and empower your self-esteem and sense of identity. They go out of their way to help you become the best version of yourself. They call you just to ask how your day was and look forward to your calls.…
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If You Want To Know Who Your Friends Are

If You Want To Know Who Your Friends Are

One of my least favorite memories of the military was mail call on Sundays. A room full of people, all excited to get mail from all their friends and family, girlfriends and wives. and me, getting nothing. I had to sit there twiddling my thumbs for hours waiting for it…
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Keep on Hustling
Advice Motivation

Keep on Hustling

Keep on hustling. The best revenge is self-improvement.…
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To Do Harm Is To Do Yourself Harm

To Do Harm Is To Do Yourself Harm

Most people never see the distinction or correlation to the fact that they are getting back exactly what they are putting out into the world. If you decide to start gossiping about someone, stealing, spying, cheating, being jealous, becoming easily frustrated or angry, having impatience, looking down on someone else,…
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