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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Stepping Out Of The Box Of Gossiping
Advice Self Improvement

Stepping Out Of The Box Of Gossiping

In 2005 when I stepped out of the box of gossiping and looked back on it, it was like looking back on a cesspool of ickiness. Instead of swimming in it, I started to learn from it from an observational standpoint. “Remember, if someone is gossiping with you, there is…
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Take Risks And Stop Playing It Safe
Advice Self Improvement

Take Risks And Stop Playing It Safe

Think about what you love to do in life and try to figure out how to do that and make money at it. Don’t be something else just because of what other people think is right and good or “reliable” and “safe”.…
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Be Better Than The People Who Put You Down
Advice Self Improvement

Be Better Than The People Who Put You Down

Instead of thinking about getting even, or taking your emotions and anger out on someone or other people, take that emotional energy and use it to improve yourself. Become faster, smarter, stronger, healthier than the people who have put you down, pushed you around, made fun of you, humiliated you,…
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Focus On Being The Right Man
Advice Self Improvement

Focus On Being The Right Man

As I always say; you cannot expect to find and keep superwoman, if you are not first willing to become superman. ?…
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Remove The Toxicity From Yourself
Self Improvement

Removing The Toxicity From Yourself

Many people think that simply removing the bad people around you is enough. But the #1 way to remove toxic people from your life is by removing the toxicity from yourself. When you do that, the bad people just weed themselves out.…
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Focus On Yourself Before Looking For A Partner
Advice Self Improvement

Focus On Yourself Before Looking For A Partner

I have an acquaintance/friend who is not on my FB who is always having bad relationships but never does anything to improve or change her behavior. She’s also always asking me for advice but never takes any of it. It amazes me how a girl can be “looking for Mr.…
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