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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Conquering Your Fears is Simpler Than You Think
Advice Self Improvement

Conquering Your Fears is Simpler Than You Think

Knowledge eliminates fear. Setting goals and using every ounce of your being and every resource you have to achieve them aids in getting rid of depression.…
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Taking Personal Responsibility For Our Own Well Being
Advice Self Improvement

Taking Personal Responsibility For Our Own Well Being

If someone makes you happy, make them happier. If someone makes you miserable… walk away. Kidding aside, no one can make you miserable. You CHOOSE to be miserable. If you are in a relationship and you feel like it’s sucking the life out of you, you need to replace “this…
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If A Conversation Is Hard, It's Probably The One Worth Having
Advice Self Improvement

A Conversation Worth Having

One of the biggest determining factors for success in life is also the ability to have difficult conversations you know you need to have. Avoiding a difficult conversation just because you are afraid of being uncomfortable with the outcome is cowardly. Nothing good ever comes from a decision made from…
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The Best Version of Yourself
Advice Motivation Self Improvement

The Best Version of Yourself

So many people are so preoccupied with everything else in the world that they completely ignore the fact that they don’t even have their own shit together. Make yourself the best version of yourself possible first.…
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How People Treat You is a Reflection of Who They Are
Advice Self Improvement

How People Treat You is a Reflection of Who They Are

Don’t let other people push you down, torment you or humiliate you. They are just so scared of having the light shine on themselves that they have to put the spotlight on someone else.…
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Motivation News Self Improvement

Snoop Dogg Hollywood Walk of Fame Video

I love at 4:10 when he says, “First of all I wanna thank me, for all the hard work and sleepless nights etc…”…
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