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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Redesigned An Outdated Website
Web Design Web Development

Redesigned An Outdated Website

Bringing a website from an outdated, slow loading version to a new age higher def fast loading version in Navy blue..…
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Web Design Is Not As Simple As It Seems
Graphic Design Web Development

Web Design Is Not As Simple As It Seems

When people ask me to “just add this image” to their website, lol… I get people asking if I “can just do this real quick…” a lot. So I made an infographic about it. ? It’s not in me to just upload the picture without doing all the extra goodies…
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Celco Web Design
Web Design Web Development

Celco Web Design

We are discovering that videos actually sell really well for websites. We did a test for Celco having a video VS not, and the statistics showed a unanimous victory for people watching the video before they made contact. So we redesigned their website to make the video the main feature.…
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Faster-Loading Websites, Better Web Traffic
Advice Web Development

Faster-Loading Website, Better Web Traffic

If you have a business and rely on your website to bring in new business, making it load fast is super important. Look at these results from someone launching a new, faster loading website than their old one (we made the new one, of course). 46% of people are staying…
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