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Thomas J. Kane

Focus On Yourself Before Looking For A Partner

Focus On Yourself Before Looking For A Partner

I have an acquaintance/friend who is not on my FB who is always having bad relationships but never does anything to improve or change her behavior. She’s also always asking me for advice but never takes any of it.

It amazes me how a girl can be “looking for Mr. Right” yet is still stalking her exes, making multiple bogus FB accounts to spy on other people, being jealous, changing their names online to hide from different people they have lied to or cheated with/on. Getting in drama fights, yelling and screaming, accusations, revenge, gossiping to ‘get people on your side’, usually with lies and exaggerations… and yet… you want a knight in shining armor come rescue you…

One of my own favorite quotes.. “You cannot expect to find superman, unless you are first willing to become superwoman.”

If you are lying, gossiping, yelling, causing drama, being involved in drama, being jealous, exaggerating the truth, hiding bad habits, spying on people… you are NOT the awesome superwoman you think you are.. and you need to stop looking for Mr. Right and start focusing on trying to be Miss Right, before you’ll ever come close to having a good relationship.

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