If you make the decision that you truly want to get out of your situation, and whatever it is… no one is going to come to pick you up and save you from it.
The only way you are going to get out of a negative situation is by taking action and doing the things that lead you away from it. If you are stuck in a bad situation and instead of finding ways to get out, you continue to pick up that bottle, or joint, or pipe… or hang out with those gossiping friends again.
You can’t expect change if YOU don’t change.
Don’t stay in a cruddy situation and convince yourself that “This is how it has to be, this is all I can do.” There is ALWAYS a way.
If you ask, and you seek it out, and you knock on the door, the door will be opened. If you ask for it, tell yourself you can get it, make a plan on how you are going to get it, stop making excuses for yourself and go knock on enough doors, eventually the door WILL open.
But it’s not going to happen until you take the first step.
Don’t wait for everything to be perfect.