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Thomas J. Kane

Mocking People Whether You Are Rich Or Poor

Mocking People Whether You Are Rich Or Poor

I was super poor most of my life. I saw someone post this and had to repost and comment…

I was very poor for my first 27 years, like having $10-$40 left after bills for food kind of poor. And I was very rich from 28–32. Then lost everything, and was back to being very poor for 2 years. And after recovering, I’ve been doing decent for the last 6 years now.

I can tell you this: The poor mock the rich WAY more than the rich mock the poor.

One of the ways you get rich and get out of poverty is, you have to give up your judgmental mentality; because pausing constantly to hate on the people that have what you don’t, WILL NOT MAKE YOU RICH. You have to be relentless about your own self-improvement and take serious action. Stop talking about it, stop hating on other people, stop trying to ‘cheat’ your way to what you want or lie to get what you want, and instead just become a relentless self-improver.

Read books on making money and being happy and healthy and fit. Find personal mentors.

Get off Netflix, get off Facebook… if you’re not where you want to be in life yet. Get on and learn something.

When I made it big for those 4 years I had a LOT of poor people personally mock me, to my face and online. But in my 27 years of being poor as dirt I never once had a rich person come up to me and give me crap about being poor… because, most rich people, don’t have time for that, they are too busy making it for themselves to waste their time mocking poor people.

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