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Thomas J. Kane

Never Compromise Your Dignity For Someone Else

Never Compromise Your Dignity For Someone Else

I had a guy offer me a hell of a lot of money to do online reputation repair for him.

After investigating the negative press against him, I found out that he was actually the criminal that the first page of Google claimed him to be. I turned him down after personally calling some of his victims, sad parents of children (the guy ran a totally bogus Youth Football Camp, took 50% down initial premium fees and… THERE WAS NO CAMP). The parents didn’t read the fine print of the contract they signed, so technically the guy did not commit a real crime… But what he was doing was a crime against humanity, honestly.

After I turned him down, he offered me even more money.

I’ve had many people ask me to get them fake reviews and I had to develop a “never talk to you again” policy on that; so here is a quote I made on not sacrificing your dignity for money for other people.

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