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Thomas J. Kane

Pouring From An Empty Cup

Pouring From An Empty Cup

The best way to help someone is to lead by example or by teaching them. You are not helping someone if you are pouring yourself out into their empty cup. They will just spill it again and be back to empty. When you finally stop or have completely depleted yourself trying to fill someone else’s bottomless cup, they will just find someone else.

Because they have developed a habit of maneuvering the people around them to keep filling their cups for them. They WILL NOT learn anything if you are simply refilling it at the cost of your own time, energy, and money.
If you are going to take time out to teach someone something—teach the right people—you have to learn to separate need from greed.

The right people to teach are almost always the ones asking for it. If the person wasn’t asking for your advice, you have likely wasted your time and energy on deaf ears.

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