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Thomas J. Kane

SEO For A Home Care Company and A Jewelry Shop

SEO For A Home Care Company and A Jewelry Shop
I got one of my clients, a home care company. Found on the first page nationally for just the word “elderly”, first time I ever achieved first page for a solitary dictionary word. Hella impressive if you are a nerd and even know what that means or how hard it was.
Another awesome feat. Brought a 1 man jewelry shop in Wichita to #1 for “jewelry shop” and “watch repair” among a dozen others; from no website at all, to now 4,000+ visitors a month. $bling$ – Buried the competition! Ranking in Google that is untouchable and unbeatable.
SEO For A Home Care Company and A Jewelry Shop
SEO For A Home Care Company and A Jewelry Shop
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