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Thomas J. Kane

The Future Of Artificial Intelligence & Advertising

The Future Of Artificial Intelligence & Advertising

Super nerd update that has me happy as a lark today…

Something I have wanted and been working on for the last 5 years is finally 95% complete.

The future of of advertising is in Mobile Websites, Mobile Speed and Optimizing for the future of artificial intelligence, that means Voice Search commands and eye movements (which most of you don’t know, but about 6 years from now just moving your eyes around on the phone will be the new navigation for updated mobile users)

As I love to say… “If you don’t change with the times, you become an old timer.”

It’s called ibhuman (I thought it was a good spinoff of IBM and iPhone; and ironic since the focus for the future to optimize for AI (artificial intelligence).

The Future Of Artificial Intelligence & Advertising

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