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Thomas J. Kane

The Power To Persuade

The Power To Persuade

I finished my latest book.

This was super insightful; I learned so much that I was not expecting to; he is a brilliant man who shows the complexity of persuasion when all odds, policies, procedures, and different opinions are against you; it’s set from the perspective of being a public figure in the government… which was a super fascinating perspective and really opened my eyes to the inner workings of the great engine of politics.

So many people so passionate about making change in this world and so few realize just how hard it is to actually make that change happen. People are so quick to talk and so slow to action, and so resistant to change it’s amazing.

I can never hear, read or chat about politics with someone in the same way again after reading this book.

Anyone who wants to truly get a real grasp on knowing what it takes to enact real change in the world; and understanding from the inside how politics actually work, should read this book.

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