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Thomas J. Kane

The True Key To Success

The True Key To Success

This meme was funny but actually there are some keys to success…

1. Work really, really hard; if you work your a** off at your job or career, or school, you won’t have to work hardly at all later in life and you’ll be amazing at something – but if you spend the first half of your life browsing Facebook and watching TV shows every night.. the second half of your life is going to be REALLY hard, and you’ll be amazing at nothing

2. Find mentors and read books; reading books by leaders in the field you want to be good at, is MANDATORY for your success at what you do or want to do – If you always wanted to own a goat farm and a bakery but never once picked up a book on baking or goat farming, you’re not going to get it – knowledge is almost everything

3. Wake up at 4am

4. Stay healthy and in shape; without your health.. money won’t matter

5. Hang out with people who support your dreams; that might even mean being alone for a while

6. Take criticism really, really well; if you are too busy getting offended or taking revenge.. you end up spending too much time wasted on people who might not deserve your time… and take time away from the people who do; criticism is an opportunity to be more patient and understanding and perform better… not an opportunity for revenge.

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