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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Other People's Drama Is Not Your Obligation
Advice Self Improvement

Other People’s Drama Is Not Your Obligation

You are not obligated to hang out with someone who is overdramatic, overly critical, finding fault in everyone but themselves, throwing themselves a pity party every chance they get, constantly in a bad spot because of their own poor decisions, and unable to accept responsibility. Their problems do not have…
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Hang Out With People You Want To Be Like
Advice Self Improvement

Hang Out With People You Want To Be Like

Hang out with people you want to be like. Act like a sponge for information and never think you know enough.…
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Quit The Bad Habit Of Gossiping
Advice Self Improvement

Quit The Bad Habit Of Gossiping

I used to be a gossiper myself, I figured out how harmful gossip is in 2005 and quit that ugly habit. Talking to your spouse or significant other is not gossip, but going around spreading a story that you don’t know all the facts about, or didn’t see it and…
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Shirt Design Progress
Shirt Design

Shirt Design Progress

More designs for my new shirts I’ll be making, still in rough draft but… work in progress.…
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Company Website For Whitefish Media
Web Design

Company Website For Whitefish Media

New company website for Whitefish Media, very excited about this one.…
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Shirt Design For Green Times
Shirt Design

Green Times Shirt Designs

50 shirts printed. They are pretty bomb diggity. Thank you to TightWrapz by Danny Trantham in Wichita for being awesome in the process.…
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