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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Choosing To Be A Victim of Circumstance

Choosing To Be A Victim of Circumstance

“My mom and dad smoked cigarettes, so I also smoke cigarettes.” “My mom and dad always smoked cigarettes, so I never smoked cigarettes.” Nothing makes you a victim of anything except your own mindset. Every day when you wake up, you have a choice. You are not “stuck” in a…
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using religion to hate other people

When People Use Religion To Hate Other People

If you use religion to fuel your hate and empower your own personal opinion, you aren’t religious, you are self-righteous.…
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sleeping too much

Giving Up Your Sleep For Success

I’ve never heard a super successful person say, “No thanks, I like my sleep too much.” When you are truly on track to realizing your gifts and following your dreams, and becoming the person you always wanted to be… sleep becomes something you have to do, not something you want…
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you are a sexy beast
Advice Motivation

You Are A Sexy Beast

Some people look at themselves in the mirror and think to themselves all kinds of negative things about their weight, height, failures, mistake, features… and no one questions it. But you look in the mirror and start telling yourself this, man your world will start to change. I do it,…
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how to be a successful politician book
Advice Great Books

BOOK: How To Be A Successful Politician

It takes about 4 hours to read a standard 250-page book. I love flights due to the fact that I usually get at least one book read for every round-trip flight. Just finished this one, outstanding read. Even if you have no interest in being a politician, it’s a great…
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