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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Being Poor Does Not Make You A Humble Person

Being Poor Does Not Make You A Humble Person

When you want the money, the fame, and the fortune; when you care about numbers more than people, when you care more about status and profit than the people, this is not the same as working hard at something to advance your skills, growing more and more until one day…
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Being In Top Shape Is A Continuous Work In Progress
Advice Motivation Self Improvement

Being In Top Shape Is A Continuous Work In Progress

I grew up as a runt, weighing like 110-120 lbs. (52 kilos) until I was about 27 years old and hired an amazing personal bodybuilding/sculpting trainer in Tampa ( for almost 2 years. Went from 110 to 150 lbs. Now I have been working out for 13 years and my…
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Learning About Cryptocurrency
Advice Cryptocurrency

Learning About Cryptocurrency

For 6 years, I watched a friend of mine make millions in cryptocurrency investing (he started with $5,000); he was always trying to convince me to do it and I let myself get held back by the people who were like “it’s not real”, or “it won’t last”. I wish…
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Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Advice Self Improvement

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you want to be amazing at anything in life, you have to leave your comfort zone; and a big part of leaving that cozy little nest is a whole lot of embarrassing yourself, feeling like an idiot, falling down, saying the wrong thing, failing, wanting to give up, some…
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All Idiots And All Wise Men Were Once Fools

All Idiots And All Wise Men Were Once Fools

Knowledge eliminates fear; it also eliminates stupidity. In the age of Google, fear and stupidity are choices. Arm yourself with knowledge. All idiots and all wise men were once fools. The difference between the idiot and the wise man is that the wise man learned from his mistakes, while the…
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Be Brave Enough To Speak Your Mind

Be Brave Enough To Speak Your Mind

Being afraid to say what is on your mind or what you think just because you are afraid you will feel dumb, or look dumb, or have people think you are dumb is one of the worst prisons a person can be in.…
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