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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Being In Top Shape Is A Continuous Work In Progress
Advice Motivation Self Improvement

Being In Top Shape Is A Continuous Work In Progress

I grew up as a runt, weighing like 110-120 lbs. (52 kilos) until I was about 27 years old and hired an amazing personal bodybuilding/sculpting trainer in Tampa ( for almost 2 years. Went from 110 to 150 lbs. Now I have been working out for 13 years and my…
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Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Advice Self Improvement

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you want to be amazing at anything in life, you have to leave your comfort zone; and a big part of leaving that cozy little nest is a whole lot of embarrassing yourself, feeling like an idiot, falling down, saying the wrong thing, failing, wanting to give up, some…
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Conquering Your Own Demons First
Advice Self Improvement

Conquering Your Own Demons First

This means that you need to conquer your own demons first before you try to conquer the ones in front of you. It’s only through self-love and self-appreciation and a good understanding of valuing your own self-worth that you can eliminate the demons you face in the world, in business,…
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Success And Time Management
Advice Self Improvement

Success And Time Management

I only sleep 5 hours a day, on average; one of my books I’m writing is on how to be successful, and time management is a big one. Some people love their sleep and wouldn’t trade it for anything. But some people lie in bed for an extra hour, or…
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Let Love, Money, and, Success Chase You
Advice Self Improvement

Let Love, Money, and, Success Chase You

Sit down and make a list of all the things in your life that you are doing that are NOT putting you on the path you want to be on in life. It could be just a bad diet, drugs, alcohol, partying, a bad relationship, an energy vampire that you…
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Invest Time On Yourself, Not On Other People's Lives
Advice Self Improvement

Invest Time On Yourself, Not On Other People’s Lives

People with no confidence or with low self-esteem often tend to see people with confidence and high self-esteem as arrogant, snobby, or stuck-up. Taking time out of your day to look down on and judge other people only steals time away from yourself, inhibits you from reaching your own goals…
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