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Thomas J. Kane

Help People By Not Helping

Help People By Not Helping

I spent a lot of my life helping other people, so much that I usually had nothing left for myself. Most of the time, it was to energy vampire types. People who developed a habit out of regularly getting the help, energy, time and money of others without ever truly giving back to anyone. The only way to help these kind of people is to stop helping them. Once they finally are without their lifeline of handouts, they will at last be free of the chains of their developed habit to make something for themselves.

Now I can recognize the difference between someone begging for a handout for free so they can ‘keep getting by with their same negative habits’ and someone who truly is in a bad situation through no fault of their own and actually going through a hard time; as well as someone who is trying to truly make efforts to change, and realize the habit they have gotten into.

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