I knew a woman once in Arizona who was a customer of mine. She had no arms, had 2 kids, and owned her own gym. She could lift her foot up, pull her wallet out of her purse, pull a credit card out, and swipe it through a card reader.…
When you want the money, the fame, and the fortune; when you care about numbers more than people, when you care more about status and profit than the people, this is not the same as working hard at something to advance your skills, growing more and more until one day…
I grew up as a runt, weighing like 110-120 lbs. (52 kilos) until I was about 27 years old and hired an amazing personal bodybuilding/sculpting trainer in Tampa (www.bodybydouglas.com) for almost 2 years. Went from 110 to 150 lbs. Now I have been working out for 13 years and my…
When they said Bitcoin “isn’t real”, I laughed. Now, look around Wichita, KS at all these bitcoin ATMs. The world is moving to a one-world currency. That might be why banks are giving money for coins being traded in worldwide. Even countries like the Philippines, are taking the coins. I…
For 6 years, I watched a friend of mine make millions in cryptocurrency investing (he started with $5,000); he was always trying to convince me to do it and I let myself get held back by the people who were like “it’s not real”, or “it won’t last”. I wish…