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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

When Someone Doesn’t Like You The Same Way
Advice Self Improvement

When Someone Doesn’t Like You The Same Way

It is extremely challenging not to feel sad, hurt, frustrated, lonely, or even angry when we start to realize the person we really desire to be with doesn’t share the same feelings for us as we do for them. There is a quote that goes, “The power lies with the…
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Non-Violent Communication
Advice Self Improvement

Non-Violent Communication

There is a book that is the best book I ever read, called “Non-Violent Communication.” 99% of all conflicts are due to a lack of better communication. When you stop talking “to” the person you have a problem with and start talking to “everyone else” about them instead, you are…
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Saying How You Feel Will Never Ruin A Real Connection

Saying How You Feel Will Never Ruin A Real Connection

So many relationships go to ruin simply because one or both parties are too afraid to say how they feel, and they hold those feelings in until it becomes a nuclear bomb of an argument one day. If you are too afraid to say how you feel because you are…
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When You Sacrifice Quality For Profit

When You Sacrifice Quality For Profit

One of my clients, who I worked with for years, just majorly sacrificed the quality of their products and services solely in order to make themselves more personal profit at the cost of the consumer being tricked into thinking they are getting the same thing. Over the years I’ve learned…
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Look In The Mirror, That's Your Competition

Look In The Mirror, That’s Your Competition

Stop worrying about what the competition is doing. If there is no enemy within, there can be no enemy outside. Everyday, work on being a better version of yourself than you were the day before. Be stronger, calmer, more understanding, more patient, more forgiving, more compassionate, and more loving.…
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Conquering Your Fears is Simpler Than You Think
Advice Self Improvement

Conquering Your Fears is Simpler Than You Think

Knowledge eliminates fear. Setting goals and using every ounce of your being and every resource you have to achieve them aids in getting rid of depression.…
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