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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

Your Healing Is Your Responsibility
Advice Self Improvement

Your Healing Is Your Responsibility

The faster you bounce back from adversity, the faster you grow. Don’t be a victim of your past, be a victor of your future. ?…
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Be Your Most Authentic Self
Advice Motivation

Be Your Most Authentic Self

The day you decide to say what you want to say, do what you want to do, and be who you really are, is like the day a lion gets released from its cage into the wild. ?…
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Prayer Changes Us And We Change Things

Prayer Changes Us And We Change Things

Prayer without action is just empty wishful thinking. The original Bible text tells us to follow prayer with action and never to use “vain repetition” (meaning you only need to ask once).…
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Stop Talking About It And Start Doing It
Advice Self Improvement

Stop Talking About It And Start Doing It

It’s easy to talk about doing something. A lot of people love to talk about it. For about every 9 people talking about it, there is usually only 1 person actually doing it. Being able to make decisions, and make them quickly, is one of the biggest steps on the…
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Get Ahead While Everyone Else Is Distracted
Advice Cryptocurrency

Get Ahead While Everyone Else Is Distracted

For so many people who are cutting back right now and some who are looking for reasons to only see a gloomy future, maybe Warren’s advice will help. ? Now is the time to press forward and get ahead while everyone else is distracted. Cruise lines, airlines… the stock has…
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Opinions Matter, Whatever The Reactions May Be

Opinions Matter, Whatever The Reactions May Be

If you voice your own opinion and 10 people hear it, there is always going to be someone in the crowd who disagrees with you; if you voice your opinion to 10 million people, there’s probably going to be 100,000 people that hate you for it, 1.5 million people that…
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