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Thomas J. Kane

News & Advice

I May Have Found What True Happiness Is
Advice Self Improvement

I May Have Found What True Happiness Is

I’ve found that finding that one thing you are truly good at and hammering at it day and night like a mad hatter until you are a master in that field is a major step to happiness. Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men that all may see…
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Looking Past Our Differences
Advice Self Improvement

Looking Past Our Differences

It’s inherent human nature to want others to like the things we like. This is especially true in relationships. Wanting our partner to be “just like us” is just a method that provides validation of our own self-worth, ideas, and opinions. Subconsciously, many people need the validation of knowing that…
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Communicating Clearly Is A Responsibility
Advice Self Improvement

Communicating Clearly Is A Responsibility

My original mentor used to tell me to take personal responsibility for delivering clear communication. If you are in charge of telling people what to do, you have to take responsibility for their screw-ups if they didn’t follow your directions; because in truth, if you truly delivered perfect and clear…
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If You Want Change, Be The Change
Advice Self Improvement

If You Want Change, Be The Change

If you make the decision that you truly want to get out of your situation, and whatever it is… no one is going to come to pick you up and save you from it. The only way you are going to get out of a negative situation is by taking…
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Associate With People That Inspire You
Advice Self Improvement

Associate With People That Inspire You

You become like the people you hang out with. If the people around you aren’t jiving at a forward and upward speed towards goals, objectives, and dreams and you want to achieve yours, you might have to find new people. I have had to remove a lot of energy-draining people…
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Stop Playing Victim In Situations You've Created
Advice Self Improvement

Stop Playing Victim In Situations You’ve Created

There were times in my life when I felt pitiful. I was homeless twice, once at 23 and living in the park recovering from a party and drug ghetto lifestyle, thinking I was going to die. And at 33, again, when my business crashed, my girlfriend died, my truck got…
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